Seventeen-Card version (Sold at Denver Fan Expo Con!)

Players must make sentences with noun, verb, and preposition cards and then draw the sentences they create. Each player will need a writing implement and a piece of paper. Each player starts with a hand size of three. The sentences must follow the pattern “noun + verb + preposition + noun”. Players start by writing a favorite character on a piece of paper. They then pass the paper to their right and that person will write an action that that character is performing. You do not have to start to build new sentences with the first noun word of the sentence (for example you can play the lone preposition “by” card or a silent verb card). Each card is assigned 2 points and the player who finishes the sentence gets all the points. When the sentence is finished the player needs to either add articles (a, the, an, etc.), change the tense of the verb (write, wrote, writing) or add helper verbs (is, are) until the sentence is proper English. Once players agree then the player draws the sentence! A new sentence is then started to replace the one drawn. Play however long you want or to a certain point amount! There are also wild purple cards which you can make into whatever you want!

Write. Right? Draw it! (Game of the Punctuators)

This game is kind of a mix between mad libs and those drawing-prompt books.

You can play this game with just a deck of cards (also a marker to write on them), paper, and something to draw with.(Nouns are spades and clubs. Verbs are diamonds. Hearts are prepositions. Face cards are the action cards)

Players must make sentences with noun, verb, and preposition cards and then draw the sentences they create.

Players start with a hand size of five cards. They must play a card on the board on their turn (or discard one if they are unable to play a card). They draw cards until they have five at the end of their turn. The number of sentences that can be on the board is the # of players. The sentences must follow the pattern “noun + verb + preposition + noun”. Players start by writing a favorite character on a piece of paper. They then pass the paper to their right and that person will write an action that that character is performing. These are the start of the first sentences you can play on. You do not have to start to build new sentences with the first noun word of the sentence(for example you can play the lone preposition “by” card or a silent verb card). Each card is assigned a value of 2-10 and the player who finishes and illustrates the sentence receives the points on the cards. Finished sentences must be approved by all players before illustrating begins. Abstract sentences are allowed if you can think of a fun way to draw it. Example: Grandpa was headbutted by romance. Heart headbutting old man or something similar. Try not to use words or take longer than one minute. When a sentence is finished someone can start to play cards in that space to create a brand new sentence.

There are 18 nouns, 9 verbs and 9 preposition cards. You must play a type of noun or verb that is listed on the card (example: condiment = mustard) There are also 2 wild cards that can be played as any noun, verb, or preposition.

Noun cards:

2- condiment; vegetable

3- color; genre

4- location; Time

5- Clothing outfit; machine

6- friend; emotion

7- Furniture; appliance

8- tool; weapon

9- Bug; monster

10- Hero; family member

Verb cards:

2- mundane/boring action

3- loud action

4- silent action

5- physical action

6- communication action

7- creating action

8- attack action

9- compassion action

10- dance move ( +5 points if you do the dance)

Preposition cards:

2- over or through

3- before or after

4- among or at

5- in or outside

6- with or without

7- above or below

8- by or around

9- on or off

10- to or behind

The words “a” and “the” are free words you can add to your sentence anytime. As well as words that denote tense such as “was”, “will be”, “is”, etc.

Verbs cannot become nouns or vice versa. Example “attack verb” card is played and punch is chosen. It cannot become punch as in the drink. It can change tense however. Example: was punched.

There are 16 attack/bonus cards that have special effects that are written on the card. Action cards can be played out of turn unless otherwise stated.

Action cards:

-Exclamation point: play as a second play when finishing a sentence to add 5 points. Draw back up to five.

-Stop a special effects card from being played. Draw a card.

-Superpower: acts as “verb+prep+noun” Example: shoots with lasers. (11 points)

-skip next player

-Randomly choose a card from a player’s hand. They discard it.

-Question mark: play as a second play when you finish a sentence to add five points. If you can answer with any of your other noun, verb, or preposition cards add those points as well. If you can’t answer, other players get a chance going in clockwise order. Draw back up to five.

-Attack card played against you hits player on right. Draw a card.

-Attack card played against you hits caster. Draw a card.

– Ask a player for their highest cost card.

– Preposition + noun (11 points)

-Last person to make a butterfly with their hands loses a turn.

– Look at the top three cards on the draw pile and choose one.

-Play as a second card to take another turn.

-Increase hand size by 1 so you have 6 cards for rest of game.

-Destroy a noun, verb, or preposition card in play.

-Stop a noun, verb, or preposition card from being played. Draw a card.